We are Sonoma County parents and concerned citizens alarmed about the national trends in schools and dedicated to keeping our local schools free of indoctrination.

Our Mission:

  • Inform, empower, engage local parents on issues related to indoctrination in schools
  • Expose and eliminate cases of indoctrination in our schools
  • Support schools, school boards, organizations and teachers who are promoting American values and sound science
  • Achieve the best possible education for Sonoma County kids

We believe in supporting individuals in living their true nature and identity.

We are not:

Anti gay/lesbian/bisexual/transsexual/queer/black/latino/white/asian/native/minority/Muslim, etc.

Racists, bigots, etc.

We oppose minors being brainwashed or coerced into false identities or having self diagnosed alternative identities affirmed by misguided and agenda driven groups or individuals.

We are seeking volunteers.

We will seek to become the Sonoma County chapter in a national organization, such as Parents Defending Education or Save our Schools.